Sanath Tuesday, 27 December 2022 02:51 PM
Why nothing is mentioned of eliminating corruption, fraud and inefficiency to bring down the inflated cost? How about recovering the colossal amount of money due from politicos and other influential fellow? Without doing that, they only know to increase tariff and burden the general public who are not responsible for all those woes.
anthony Tuesday, 27 December 2022 02:52 PM
This type of explanation by the minister is not acceptable, first before increasing recover all the bad debts, specially from ministers and government institutions and then let’s see before letting the public bare the cost mismanagement.
anura hettiarachchi Tuesday, 27 December 2022 03:01 PM
What is the economic reason behind this logic. I believe less consumption can make the cost per unit go up given the existing structure of CEB. Don’t forget, even during the black-out, your salary meter runs non-stop. Guess what you are trying is to keep tariff as it is and reduce the supply COS you do not have enough USD to buy power….
Man Tuesday, 27 December 2022 03:12 PM
No increase, but power cuts, please in a bankrupt country, governed by Rajapapakshas’.
Roshan Goonesekera Tuesday, 27 December 2022 04:03 PM
Stop the corruption, overtime, bonuses ect and above all see that all the minister’s and VIPs Pau their bills. We normal citizens miss one payment and our electricity is cut. If you do this there is no need to increase the price
Private Company Employee Tuesday, 27 December 2022 04:38 PM
Mr. Kanchana, Prices of food and other essentials increased 3 times. There is huge tax on salaries now. If you increase Electricity Bill for second time, which is already far too high. What is left for us to eat for 30 days? Are you guys going to increase beggars and decrease those live with dignity? Did we collapse the economy?
Citizen Tuesday, 27 December 2022 04:47 PM
To tell this we don’t need a ministry or government even a layman can do this. This is showing inability of this minister and the government. Why don’t the government initiate solar panel for the houses and buildings to install solar panel at tax free price. This will solve the problem at no cost to government or public. Pls will start installing panels at their cost and not depend on fuel power generation.
Silva Tuesday, 27 December 2022 04:49 PM
Power cut is bearable. But increase.
KM Rafeek Tuesday, 27 December 2022 04:57 PM
Powercuts for 24 hours WELCOME it is better to die than living This is like Robbing Peter to Pay Paul
sam Tuesday, 27 December 2022 05:44 PM
What connection between an increase and power cuts?
anil Tuesday, 27 December 2022 05:45 PM
People must bear with power cuts ? what about you ?
Too much losses giving almost free electrcity to relgious places all these years Tuesday, 27 December 2022 07:00 PM
How about charging religious places the proper costs for their usages? All the losses arising from them getting subsidized electricity also weighs into the lack of funds to generate now.
Lanka Tuesday, 27 December 2022 08:01 PM
All that “Christmas lights show”….how much waste was that? No idea of “priorities” in this country and then it goes down to the people to bear their stupidity!
Nihal S Tuesday, 27 December 2022 08:03 PM
Hello, what about the massive bills not paid by the politicians? Why are you silent on that issue, while punishing the public?
Karalasingam Sivalingam Tuesday, 27 December 2022 08:35 PM
Powercut is a curse, Minister must provide uninterrupted power supply to revive the economy, let’s bearup an increase in power supply, protesters are guided by inexperienced groups on this subject.
kaggoda Tuesday, 27 December 2022 09:43 PM
You will have a short life in politics just as much as your roguish father
Cassim Zarook Tuesday, 27 December 2022 11:27 PM
225, please give us our country back. Your holding on may be legal, but immoral and unethical. The damn will burst soon…
Jude Wednesday, 28 December 2022 12:45 AM
Either way public is the loses!! Coz of Dumass politicians not planning for anticipated electricity demand!!
Shipper Wednesday, 28 December 2022 12:47 AM
Politicians were playing games with our lifestyles and being corrupt, no question about that. Corruption flood gates were opened upon introduction of open economy in 1977 and we were living beyond our means. Unbearable promises economically by Political parties in order to win elections too is contributory factor means poor management of balance sheet. Let’s say that’s the past though one would have thought Aragalaya should have put stupid corrupt politicians in right track ( by the way Aragalaya seems to have mysterious roots). It doesn’t seem to have corrected the situation and political masters in order to be in power, appoint same old Sleeping corrupt ministers albeit a handful. Shipping is a case point. Shipping associations manipulating the corrupt nature to their unfair advantages when shipping and associates services can be a real money spinner in terms of foreign exchange. This is just one area. Now yes we are in deep trouble, need to come out by increasing tariffs unfortuna
Paramanathan K Wednesday, 28 December 2022 01:52 AM
Price increase of such magnitude is exorbitant going to hamper our lives to worst extent. What baffles the people is that when would be the next increase of price as there isn’t a clear cut road map for economic recovery as a result dollar will continue to sky rocketing. Tell us in clear term to what extent your ministry or CEB to replace the contribution of fossil fuel with solar energy and how long it takes?
Nimal R Wednesday, 28 December 2022 03:18 AM
Yes, it’s the poor who got to bear the pain due to so many years of corruption and mismanagement by consecutive political parties for so many years. Kanchana’s father Mahinda Wijesekera too was one whose corruption during the period he was the minister of fisheries was subsequently exposed. Central Bank bond scam, sugar dutu scam are scams of which no action has been taken and the governments expect ordinary citizens to forget and bear the losses. What a crime?
DOT Wednesday, 28 December 2022 04:02 AM
May be! But managment is not this. Even an small technical oofficer can make such statement. Leadership is all about make better!
Gama Rala Wednesday, 28 December 2022 04:26 AM
Till a regime change is affected by JVP winning the general elections, we will have to put up with imbeciles like this man who are tasked with pleasing the vermin rajapaksas and ranil.
citizen Wednesday, 28 December 2022 05:39 AM
How about the politicians leaving that is what should happen an is not happening.
Lal Wednesday, 28 December 2022 05:50 AM
A bankrupt country cannot live a comfortable life, either pay through the nose or stave! No other options! Crying foul won’t make other countries dish their dollars free for us! No dollars no oil or coal for power! It is simple, why people of the country can’t understand it? Catching corruptors is independent of handling the current situation. People try to mix this together, and make us suffer more. Whatever said and done, this Minister does a better job than his predecessors!
Ben Wednesday, 28 December 2022 07:42 AM
He demanding more money, otherwise he warns to keep nation in dark,does he have right to say so, people suffer due to their ignorance, illiteracy, above all their corruption, come out with straight forward proposals, how to collect central bank loot, trillions swindled by Rajapakshas, billions borrowed by political stooges from banks without guarantors now considering as bad debts,all perks to MPs and ex MPs, before put the pressure on public,show your ingenuity by doing so
Nilmini Welivita Wednesday, 28 December 2022 07:46 AM
Just another incompetent pohottuwa crook, Kanchana, you have two years to make as much money as possible and then prepare to spend a long stint in Wellikada.
Punchi Wednesday, 28 December 2022 07:47 AM
Why do we need to illuminate our Buddhist temples with electricity when at the time of Buddhas visits we had no electricity which is a Christian whitemans invention. If we need to illuminate our temples can we ask the US now providing cash aid to needy families, free fertilisers and rice etc to provide free fuel and coal to run our generators
Ranjith Wednesday, 28 December 2022 07:49 AM
People have elected you to govern the country please dont come up with excuses dont put pressure on to the people government run by Rajapaksa’s are responsible for the present status of the country results of corruption and mismanagement
Sambo Wednesday, 28 December 2022 07:50 AM
Don’t try to threaten the public for you to play your game. First go and recover the billions that people owe the board and cut extra staff.
Sunil Wednesday, 28 December 2022 08:06 AM
I would rather opt for lengthy power cuts rather than paying exorbitantly high electricity bills that may amount to 5 to 8 times what they are today. The CEB and the scoundrel minister is taking the innocent public for a ride.
Eper Wednesday, 28 December 2022 08:12 AM
Costing should be done taking to account the coal, hydro, solar n other renewable sources also.Minister thinks we are fools as he has done his calculations based on diesel used for thermal production.Mr Minister-Kindly encourage the renewable energy source and protect the world from destruction.India will advise us with cost reduction solutions
rbh Wednesday, 28 December 2022 08:47 AM
The minister solution is to increase Tax or Power cut he cannot solve both the proble keep stable rate and continuest having power this solution how can a country be productive by forcing restriction.
Tharanga Gallage Wednesday, 28 December 2022 09:22 AM
This minister is not qualified for this position at all. However if he wants to remain in his seat he has to do what Rajapakese are telling. That is is the main reason he will never ever speak about corruption.
Rathinam Navaratnam Wednesday, 28 December 2022 09:46 AM
Does CEB needs so many staff to efficiently operate? This needs to be studied by an Independent International Consultant (IIC). Recollect reading CEB staff and TU are to be paid bonus. Bonus should be on hold until the end of study by suggested above IIC.
VJ Wednesday, 28 December 2022 09:49 AM
One man’s gain is another man’s loss. For the top officials of the CEB and the politicians to have everything they need, the people have to pay. The new year will be disastrous for the country.
Thanos Wednesday, 28 December 2022 10:00 AM
Better to go on a power cut than paying. Because if we pay high price, all politicians and private electricity providing mafia will get a good profit and CEB inefficient staff would be paid bonuses. All this price hike to keep the vote base before elections.
Rojer Wednesday, 28 December 2022 10:42 AM
A few months back I saw many comments backing Ranil on becoming the Prez (finally) as he was the correct
Francis Wednesday, 28 December 2022 11:18 AM
Hello Kanchana you think you can use threatening language to squeeze the masses. If you cannot do the job just get lost man. Recover and show us the billions collectively owed by corrupt politicians first before increasing the tariff.
Eper Wednesday, 28 December 2022 11:36 AM
Power cuts destroy the economy and our impression internationally.You politicians hv destroyed the country (intentionally)and nothing is left behind for our future generation to stop deserting Sri Lanka.When will this destruction end is everyone’s question???
sam Wednesday, 28 December 2022 12:27 PM
Consumers are aware of you people. What guarantee that there will be no power cuts if tariff is increased??
Shehan Wickramasinghe Wednesday, 28 December 2022 02:32 PM
It’s obvious that the country is in a crisis. But my dilemma is why do the people of the country needs to bare all the burden of this crisis and not the creators of this crisis, who have being in administration for the last 30 to 40 year lease, either in the ruling party or opposition, irrelevant of party politics are to be blamed. If we as citizens of this country, who have been on the receiving end of this crisis, then the creators of this crisis has to bare the brunt of this crisis too. For the several following reasons. 1). For not stopping corruption. 2). For not exposing corruption. 3). For supporting politicians who are corrupted. 4). For not fighting for the rights of the citizens. I believe that true leadership will be if the former and present leaders bare 60% to 70% of this crisis. Such as 1). Stop all privileges. ( Vehicle, medical, residents). 2). Work only for a fix salary without benefits till the country has recovered from this crisis.
MB Thursday, 29 December 2022 05:29 AM
The first thing to do is disconnect supplies to all defaulters including all politicians and citizens of the country without any favourite or influences….this will bring you a good yield off recoveries/debtors list.With this collection order locally from private suppliers until you get USD relief. Problem solved…no need of any increases etc if the bills issued for consumers is paid within a 1 month period. Simple logics can be applied to your crisis without burdening the public due to CEB mismanagement please.
Mohamed Adham Thursday, 29 December 2022 12:54 PM
Before all that Minister, can we please hear about the CEB plan ( if there is one ) to recover all the Electricity arrears from Politicians and state run institutions. lets lead by example. Let these low lives pay up, then we, the public can consider any increase. Remember, the Streets are waiting for the people to pour out again, and I doubt if the Armed forces have enough ammunition to shoot them all down.