Many have been written about the benefits to health of bathing in saunas. It is a valid point. Physically, there’s nothing more rejuvenating than a long and healthy workout every day. Tension fades. Muscles unwind. We are mentally relaxed rejuvenated and prepared for whatever the next day brings.
A few minutes every daily is enough to make you look and feel better. The body’s reaction to the gentle, consistent heat has been well documented and confirmed throughout the day by people across the globe. That’s why more medical professionals are advocating its purifying properties.
1. Sauna helps improve overall health, well-being and performance
So, it’s no surprise that sauna enthusiasts typically mention “stress diminution” as the top benefit of using a sauna. Studies have shown that the majority diseases (e.G. heart disease) is at a minimum caused by stress. A decade of peer-reviewed, well-designed research on the medical benefits of saunas have revealed saunas can provide significant health benefits. Studies have shown that regular use of saunas can boost the cardiovascular health and many additional health advantages. In short, regular sauna use is a fantastic, relaxing and healthy supplement to your overall wellness and health program.
2. Sauna improves heart health
In the extreme temperature of the traditional sauna or an infrared sauna, the skin is heated and body temperature increases. As a response to these elevated temperature levels, the blood vessels in the skin expand and “cardiac output or circulation” is increased. Medical research has revealed that heart rates can increase from 60-70 beats per minute (beats every minute) up to 110-120 beats per minute in the sauna (140-150 bpm when you are doing more intense bathing) and may drop to below normal levels following the cooling off phase. Regular use of saunas has been shown to decrease the chance of dying from all causes and fatal cardiac accidents, and also reduce the chance of hypertension and stroke.
3. Sauna helps to recover after exercising
Saunas can relax muscles and ease pains and aches in muscles as well as joints. In the extreme heat generated by saunas, your body releases endorphins, which help reduce pain and are commonly associated with “runner’s feeling of.” As the body’s temperatures rise in the hot in the sauna, blood vessels expand which allows for greater blood circulation which, in turn, speeds recovery of the body’s own natural process. After exercise, take advantage of the steam and heat of a sauna for muscle relaxation , helping ease muscle tension and get rid of the toxins, including lactic acid, which may be present.
4. Sauna flushes toxins
In the course of saunas, the body temperature increases. The reason for sweat production is to cool your body and is made up of 91% water. However, intense sweating in saunas can decrease levels of lead zinc, copper, nickel mercury, as well as other chemicals which are all harmful substances that are that are commonly absorbed through interactions with our surroundings.
5. Sauna improves brain health
A 25-year study that was conducted by more than 2,300 people at the University of Eastern Finland by Dr. Jari laukkanen and his colleagues found that frequent sauna use (4-7 times each week) at 176°F for 19 minutes reduced the risk of developing both alzheimer’s and dementia.
6. Sauna relieves stress
The sauna’s heat assists us in relaxing and regulates the amount of cortisol levels in our blood. Cortisol is the hormone which releases when you’re stressed and having too much cortisol can cause various health problems including issues with the immune system as well as sleep. Bathing in saunas reduces the amount of cortisol in blood and instead increases Serotonin production. Serotonin, the “happy hormone” that helps us feel happy.
7. Sauna induces a deeper sleep
Research has proven that a better, more peaceful sleeping pattern can be a result of sauna usage. Alongside endingorphins being released body temperature, which is higher in the late evening, drop off at night. This gradual, relaxing decrease in endorphins plays a major role in helping to sleep. People who bathe in saunas around the world enjoy deep sleep that is a result of the soothing heat of a relaxing evening sauna.
8. Sauna helps fight illness
German research on saunas has shown that saunas could dramatically reduce the risk of flu and colds in those who participated in the study. In the event that people are exposed to warmth of a sauna as well as steam (in the case of traditional saunas) the body makes white blood cell faster which aids in fighting illnesses and kills viruses. Saunas also help reduce the discomfort caused by sinus congestion caused by allergies or colds.
9. Sauna burns calories
Incredibly outrageous claims are frequently offered by some sauna owners to market saunas as a complete way to lose weight. Although some individuals might feel a significant amount of burning calories initially and especially for those who are who are in poor health in the beginning, over time saunas are viewed as a tool that we have at our disposal for burning extra calories. The sweating process itself consumes significant amounts of energy. This energy comes from the conversion of fats and carbohydrates during a bodily process that uses up calories. Based on u.S. Army medical research (ward dean, m.D. ), “a moderately conditioned person can easily burn off 500 grams of fat in sauna session, and consume nearly 300 calories.” The body consumes these calories as a result of the increase in heart rate (see section 2 of cardiovascular health). When heart activity is increased and these processes require increased oxygen consumption, our body starts turning more of the calories it consumes into energy that can be used for other purposes.
10. Sauna cleanses skin
The practice of bathing in hot water is among the most ancient beauty and health techniques for cleaning one’s skin. When your body starts to sweat through deep sweating, your skin is cleaned and dead skin cells are replaced , maintaining your skin in good shape. The sweating process flushes out bacteria from the epidermal layer as well as sweat ducts. The cleansing of pores has been proven to boost capillary circulation and also give the skin a soft, smooth appearance.
11. Sauna is a great place to relax and enjoy social benefits
Although the social benefits are not often discussed however, it is a crucial aspect. Saunas can be an individual, private space for relaxation and peace. But, it could just be an ideal place to socialize with your family, friends and soon-to-be-friends. The sauna’s ambience allows for an conversation that is intimate, open and calm chat.
12. Sauna just feels good
A sauna isn’t just great, but it’s also good to your health. The physiological changes that take place during the heat of the sauna, or you just spend time in the calm and peaceful relaxation of the sauna, everyone who has been a regular sauna user agrees that it is a wonderful experience! When we are navigating our busy lives, saunas provide an oasis of relaxation – where we can take a break and relax the body and soul. The sauna is a great way to “feel healthier”, “look better” and “sleep better”!