Damson Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:17 AM
Mizaru Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:22 AM
Great news for the clowns who wanted the street protest stopped to encourage tourism. Ha Ha Ha!
Loose Lankans Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:29 AM
Well done at least lankans won it there. Typical lankan behaviour.
Nation Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:35 AM
Oh wow! Don’t Sri Lankans bring “glory” to Sri Lanka, whether locally or internationally! Buddhist monks, cricketers, politicians, the list seems unending.
Gamini Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:37 AM
Will be free if he did in Sri Lanka. Now it is sure jail term.
L Jaya Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:41 AM
Things in Australia is different than in Sri Lanka, irrespective of status the law is same to everyone. These are strong charges I don’t know whether he will be acquitted. However, if he proves that the intercouse was consensual then he might escape or considered with leniency What a disgrace to Sri Lanka
Dee Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:43 AM
His hamstring injury would have got cured. If he couldn’t play the rest of matches, why was he not sent back home? These guys just s-r-w around on other people’s account.
Be Fair Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:45 AM
Just ban and fine him, so that future cricketers will can at least behave, let alone play cricket properly.
Harak Katak Sunday, 06 November 2022 04:32 PM
He got off from ban last year, after SJB Lakshman Kiriella spoke for him to come back to the team after his and other players violation of the bio-security bubble during 2021 England tour.
Anoma Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:54 AM
Good lesson. Sri Lankans think Texting is call for sex.
Jude Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:56 AM
Oh watta shame!!!
Rene Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:56 AM
This guy should be arrested and punished for such heinous crimes. Shame and should be ousted from whatever form of cricket
Jude Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:58 AM
Dhanushka should be banned from playing for SL !! If found guilty!!
Equal opportunity Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:59 AM
Sri Lankans need to know women positions are protected in these countries. Nobody can decide on their behalf or at the cost of fair hearing. Quite opposite to Saree issue taken up in Sri Lanka
Jojo Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:01 AM
He had a similar issue in the past at a hotel in Sri Lanka and was suspended. Ours donkeys didn’t see that as a signal. Now see what happens. We have rapist, gamblers, jumpers as cricketers and we expect to win matches !!!! Recently I traveled in a Sri Lankans airlines and the air hostess were giving extra meals and booze to their known contacts throughout the flight. I over heard their conversation in passing. We don’t have eithics, we don’t have principles, this country has no values…..
anil Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:03 AM
Maybe due to stress of lossing matches! Don’t worry he will be back home soon. We have politicians similar to them.
Sydney Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:03 AM
Jumping gigolo…
Jef Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:04 AM
Shame for sri lanka and for cricketing world we don’t need this kind of behaviour In a forigen nation it is disgraceful if guilty then ICC must take action to void any future issues comming up when touring heavy fines and punish those ever get involved in unwanted activities
Jude Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:06 AM
Lankan players lack discipline, that’s the main reason SL losing games!! It’s a public secret that most game nights and before game day SL players party all night and heavy drinking!! That’s why Lankan players unfit and lack motivation!! Huh!!
Ranga Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:07 AM
He is injured but clearly his D isn’t What a J E R K
Jude Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:13 AM
DG stinks!! Hey if you’re so horny or frustrated getter a Courtesan, yeah you got lots of money you could afford One or two or more!!
Tissa Fernando Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:14 AM
These out of control sexually frustrated idiots tarnish our name no matter where they go. Unlike SL, there will be no phone call to a high level politician in this situation.
Keep us pure Sunday, 06 November 2022 05:17 PM
He was injured, and kept captive in hotel room, instead of being flown back. Maybe you’re too old now, but cricketer who succeed need that drive!
Uncle Paradise Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:15 AM
All else apart, where’s the team management and discipline when players (regardless of injury or not) are out during the tournament.
Samson de silva Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:16 AM
We won the cricket world cup!
Radika Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:18 AM
This is second time we heard about this guy. If allegation proven give him the maximum punishment. SL not deserves such low profile charactor. Beside this is truly a shame situation for whole country.
Surathi Manikkam Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:19 AM
Nothing new..! He is One of them…! Few more remain under cover.. SL Cricket board must take the responsibility for allowing these Bastards to represent the country after so many allegations against them earlier, and for number of years. It’s a shame for our country and for SL Cricket name has gone to the dogs today..!
Jude Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:20 AM
Someone injure his dick !! Yeah!!
Travis fox Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:20 AM
Shame on you destroying the name of our mother land.you did the same in sri lanka to before and got away but Australia is not sri lanka you cant bribed police or authorities. Save your time in jail… mental illness you have.
Saman Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:21 AM
Crab can’t walk straight. Better stay in Ausi jail baba. Real idiot.
das Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:23 AM
Gutter trash, nothing else
Mudalali Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:27 AM
Unfortunately he is only following in the footsteps of our politicians. MR and his sons come to mind and so many others. If one wants behave like an animal then they must be ready to be treated like one too. The Aussie inmates will take good care of him. Where do we start to rebuild SL? It may not be possible.
Guru Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:38 AM
Lankans are renowned for perverse sex. To overcome this, they must seek God’s help.
Spartacus Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:44 AM
We Sinhalese must always keep to our culture whenever and wherever we go.
janaka Monday, 07 November 2022 06:55 AM
Lol nowdays theres no culture, just sexually frustrated people even old people, check fb you might find your relatives too sexually harrasing women, typical lankan indian mentality
D P P Prasad Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:45 AM
Once he was gilly of of some other misconducts while touring England. Thus this incident may badly affect his cricket carrier. Further he may be deprived of the future series
Winning matters Monday, 07 November 2022 10:20 AM
Otherwise our team will be too weak. Cricketer for decades have problem like this. But public want winning team. Only by keep the cricketers even if they are rapist or murder can we have more victory. If winning is not important, then of course get rid of the whole team, as all who have been around 5 years have done some indiscretion.
Punchi Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:46 AM
Pathetic situation. He should have confined his sexual assaulting within our paradise where a complaint judiciary, a corrupt police force and political patronage would have conspired to not have him charged
Harak Katak Sunday, 06 November 2022 05:16 PM
Disgusting. People like you who want to let corrupt do as they like here, or let them off lightly are degrading our society.
Shiran fernando Sunday, 06 November 2022 09:46 AM
May b he got caught for trying over the boundary on a full toss.
M.SALEEM Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:01 AM
what a shame and he should be given capital punishment
Kriket Phan Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:01 AM
johan Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:08 AM
Leaders brought shame to the country and now sportsmen also
Roland Reid Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:28 AM
Now he can play book cricket
Bernard Jayatilake Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:33 AM
These so-called cricketers, with overseas trips with taxpayers money, try to snatch elusive victory from the jaws of defeat with womanizing to bring fame to their motherland.
Bernard Jayatilake Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:38 AM
What has Sri Lanka achieved so far by sending them overseas except discredit, shame and drunkenness with the latest gimmick, rape?
Bernard Jayatilake Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:38 AM
What has Sri Lanka achieved so far by sending them overseas except discredit, shame and drunkenness with the latest gimmick, rape?
Gabriella Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:43 AM
Sri Lankan’s please be aware: In Australia a woman’s word will always take precedence over a man’s version. What a woman says to you when she is drunk, will not be the same thing she tells the police when she is sober. Always ask yourself: Is my freedom worth a few minutes of pleasure? A court will not consider a woman in a fit state to give consent if she is drunk or substance affected.. These cases are becoming a dime a dozen. BEWARE !!!
Anthony Pereira Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:44 AM
Did I hear someone say “2500 years of culture”??!! Pah! Tell that to the Marines!
Bernard Jayatilake Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:54 AM
Notwithstanding, the Board of Control of Cricket will accord him and others heroes’ welcome when they arrive.
Harak Katak Sunday, 06 November 2022 05:14 PM
You’re poor joker. SJB Lakshman Kiriella wanted Danushka back in the team, so are a facilitator for this alleged crime to happen.
What’s the matter? Major headache for SLC Sunday, 06 November 2022 10:57 AM
So you wonder why the Asia Cup champions ended just above Ireland in their group standing? They went to Australia for sex, not to play cricket!!
MarkD Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:01 AM
oh boy, you could have tried your luck in hikka or mirissa……. when you are on task fkin learn to do your task only. this is the reason the entire system is screwed big time.
Ruwan Siri Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:05 AM
This is where this dark skin black jack learn his lessons. Unlike in Colombo, he isn’t going to bribe the cops to shove his case under rug. DM being too nice by their statement ‘sexual assaulting’ There is a name for it in the dictionary and it is called ‘RAPE’ When the mutt is found guilty he’d go straight to prison and incarceration, that’s where he will payback for the crime after become the boyfriend of several inmates.
Terrence K Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:14 AM
I blame not these youngsters but the people who enforce the law. In Sri Lanka anyone who molests a female goes scot free and this gives them the license to do anything because these Sri Lankans are under the belief that they can do anything and go scot free. Although these western countries have a promiscuous society everything should be done with decency without giving indication that we are barbarians and starved for sex. These are eye openers for our authorities too without treating cases of these with leniency. We see certain of our politicians are the worst violators as they have the power and money. So they will meet their downfall if they try their monkey tricks with deterrent punishment in a country that enforces the law impartially
Go home heritage Sunday, 06 November 2022 05:12 PM
Sri Lanka government support for police and military suppress those against it. There is limited voice for protestor. It is inevitable this kind of corrupted (alleged) behaviour happens.
Terrence K Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:14 AM
I blame not these youngsters but the people who enforce the law. In Sri Lanka anyone who molests a female goes scot free and this gives them the license to do anything because these Sri Lankans are under the belief that they can do anything and go scot free. Although these western countries have a promiscuous society everything should be done with decency without giving indication that we are barbarians and starved for sex. These are eye openers for our authorities too without treating cases of these with leniency. We see certain of our politicians are the worst violators as they have the power and money. So they will meet their downfall if they try their monkey tricks with deterrent punishment in a country that enforces the law impartially
Lankan Citizen Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:15 AM
Mooda hoothek. Hope he doesn’t see the light of day.
Honeytrap Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:15 AM
A disgrace to Sri Lanka. Anyhow cannot comment anymore until it’s heard in the court.
~AD~ Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:22 AM
Oh dear! This is horrible.
danushka Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:24 AM
Cricket administrators are also at fault for this disgrace. in the past we were known as a team that maintained high standard of discipline. but the current administrators have been tolerating the ill-discipline of these barbarians for years . even teams like England, Australia and New zealand have been taking severe action on there players for comparatively minor incidents like involving in club brawls. this same guy got caught inside a room where a foreign girl was raped during a tournament in Colombo, then he got beaten up for harrasing a girl in matara, then the 3 idiots fiasco in UK.he was banned for latter due to fan pressure. for an international player who represents his country,talent is useless without discipline.
Harak Katak Sunday, 06 November 2022 04:34 PM
Fault is with public who want cricketer to win. Unfortunately with our culture, this is the nature of players who come through. SJB MP Lakshman Kiriella is the one who pushed for him and the other two to freed of the ban. SLPP MP were against it, but SJB was for letting wrongdoers free. Kusam Medis kill man in hit and run and he’s still playing cricket too.
Dayan Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:26 AM
This is not the first he has tarnished the name of our cricket team and the country. If the Sri Lanka cricket has taken appropriate actions in time there will not repetitions. SLC is fully responsible.
Sue Kirthisinghe Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:46 AM
The woman concerned had been chatting with Mr. Gunathilaka online for days on a Dating App and then they meet and then she says she was raped. How sure are we that it was not consensual? How do we know that she’s not creating a story to get compensation or attention.? We don’t really know, do we? So why don’t we wait and see what happens? This guy can’t be that stupid to rape an Australian woman while being a part of a cricket squad and also a guest in a foreign country? Really???
Paul aulich Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:49 PM
As in all he says/she says cases the police will investigate the accused before deciding if they have case. They will check criminal records, internet activity and security camera footage. The trial will take months and will be front page news both in Oz and SL. Unfortunately.
Tissa Fernando Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:14 PM
This is not the first time. This idiot has disciplinary action taken against him previously by SL Cricket. Also, the blame should also be with SL Cricket. They are travellling representing SL on SL tax payers money. Probably accompanied by a jumbo delegation. What were the team mangement doing?
Mahila Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:57 PM
Much stranger things have happened??? This is a piece of cake as he was suspected of such in england and ecaped!! Everyday Christmas Man!!??
Tissa Fernando Monday, 07 November 2022 02:32 PM
Yes, that is why people who are on the spotlight should refrain from such activities. Even if he had worn the condom, the woman could accuse him of rape saying that she did not agree for sex but only talk. So if you ever do this in those places at least keep a hidden camera to record your actions.
Karunapala Ambepola Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:56 AM
Sl parliament must be disciplined first and follow the law and order. Such people are ministers of SL – Thieves are ministers – Kappamas are ministers – Brime men are ministers – Rapists are still ministers – how can they tell others to be disciplined – Must put this man in jail without any bail. Shame to all Sri Lankans in Australia!! I am sure that he will be back in the team again!!
Hapaya Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:00 PM
Uncivilized people…do you know why did they protest..to protect the country from the scoundrels and broad daylight thieves like rajapakses..and these guys go there and enjoy when poor suffer in hunger in the country…sad story…selfish fellas
Hawkeye Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:04 PM
These sportsmen from Sri Lanka consider that they are above the law in SL. To an extent that is correct, because money and status speaks while the victim is left with mental scares for the rest of their lives. The same went to soldiers who operated in the N
Dana Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:08 PM
These people don’t realise the damage they do to the reputation of the country and more to the Sri Lankans who live in Australia. In Aust it’s not necessary to engage in formal intercourse to prove rape. If proven he will end up in jail.
NIGEL JAY Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:10 PM
Those who have not sinned cast first stone
Nihal S Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:18 PM
I blame the SL Cricket Board and the law enforcing authorities. He was charged on a similar matter in Sri Lanka involving a young girl, but the law enforcing authorities were soft on him – probably received money. The Cricket Board also gave him a short suspension and then back in the national team. He had a few disciplinary issues in records. Then why did the cricket management retained him in the tour group, when he was injured and replacements called. Based on the reports there will be no escape for him under the Australian law – that can not be bought like in Sri Lanka. I hope he will get the maximum punishment – the Australia will fix this social cancer who can not be treated within the Sri Lankan system. What a shame he brought to the country, not for the first time.
R. Wickremasinghe Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:23 PM
Hope Namal Rajapakse will be at the airport to welcome the RAPIST. No wonder the reputation of the country has gone to dogs.
rajankay Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:28 PM
CHECK his father was in the Sri Lankan Army or Police. If was he would have destroyed the life of the women in North
S. Wickremesinghe Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:45 PM
Sri Lanka is well and truly gone to the dogs. So much for being a model Buddhist nation. Our sleeping monks should take note!
LankanLover Sunday, 06 November 2022 12:49 PM
Hey you horny fellow, did you go to play cricket or dating women? such a retarded ,spoiled the name of our motherland, End of your career dude, Karma is a boomerang , get ready to play cricket with Aussie inmates if found guilty.
Tilakaratna Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:13 PM
Sri Lankans party wild. This was bound to open
Seqi Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:14 PM
Hasn’t been to court yet and already put on trial by the Daily Mirror readers. How Sri Lankans hate each other when one of their kith or kin get caught out, just isn’t cricket eh what old chap.
Waco Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:22 PM
Do not worry. Ranil / Namal will appoint him as a Cabinet Minister.
Priyantha. S Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:25 PM
In 2018 SL Police questioned him on allegations of raping a Norwegisn woman at a hotel. So this is not the first time.
Nuwan Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:32 PM
Law will be enforced in Australia regardless of him being star player. Also in Australia one is innocent until proven guilty at a court of law. The comments here is proof that SL people lack sense of how law and order works. This is what is exploited by politicians.
cineha Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:33 PM
He along with a friend was charged previously for sexually assaulting a Norwegian girl in a Colombo hotel room. The local police didn’t pursue the matter seriously as usual and he was not charged. Now its with the Australian police …….wait and see the difference.
Rathinam Navaratnam Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:42 PM
He has had past disciplinary problems; so why he was chosen on the first instance., Importantly, did Sri Lanka Cricket Board facilitate counselling him to become better person? I doubt. Present Sri Lankan generation has serious attitude problems and government is obliged to address. Why so, because taxes are collected from citizens which shall in turn be used for the betterment of citizens. Better citizens will bring loveable Sri Lanka.
herath Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:42 PM
thats because, drunk people cannot give informed consent! Brittney Higgins case is a classic example! as well as Julian Assange!
Winning matters Monday, 07 November 2022 10:01 AM
Who is this Brittney Higgins? I looked up to find if she was tourist who come here and complaint, only to find she’s an Australian who made allegation that was never proved.
Karalasingam Sivalingam Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:47 PM
Sri lankan police should act similar to Australian police, no mercy for offenders of crime in any form, it is embarrassing to see our cricket players indulged in sex acts, if you have money and young in age, you tend to do things for your pleasure, now you have to pay the pay the penalty.
German Sunday, 06 November 2022 01:49 PM
Not one compassionate word about the poor woman. All the attention goes to this rapist, a man I never heard of.
Ranjith Weerasinghe Sunday, 06 November 2022 02:12 PM
Pathetic situation typical sri lankan behaviour no respect for women in sri lanka They try show the same behaviour when travel abroad perverts disgrace to the country.
Jef Sunday, 06 November 2022 02:24 PM
High profiles high flyers behaviour may be normal in sri lanka but you dont do it in foriegn nation…You don’t find many civilised inviduls this days women involved cashes all over the country with all kind of sectors its so serious no one like to put a stop…lucky for those don’t travel
mal.com Sunday, 06 November 2022 02:34 PM
Why this passenger was still there after early injury/out of form? Why no replacement? Place in the team seems like a ministerial portfolio?
Cherath Sunday, 06 November 2022 02:39 PM
Sue Kirthisinghe – Subscribing to a Dating App in developed countries doesn’t mean a declaration of willingness to be sexually abused or sleeping with anyone who responds. The woman may have chatted with him for a year but that’s not reason enough to prove it wasn’t forced sex. NO means only NO. Simple fact – when they see a white woman they cannot resist forcing their way, irrespective of their dignity, marital status and consequences. Reputation through cricket is merely a tool to have their way.
Peacemaker Sunday, 06 November 2022 02:42 PM
SL army sent to Haiti under UN mission raped underaged girls, SL cricket team sent to Australia raped young women, if SL teams sent to another country, they’d rape older women too
DAR Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:01 PM
Dilshan Perera Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:09 PM
Gabriella, for your information, the law is the same here! Regarding consent.. Btw, are we sure Dickwella isn’t involved too? That would be a double bonus to get rid of both forever from the team! Can we pay the Oz police to plant some evidence at the crime scene? Some underwear or semen may be?
Gayantha Hemachandra Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:24 PM
Guys, now you all know the story from Australian side , let’s assume this episode happens in Sri Lanka. On his first day in court, he is granted bail ,released back to society and tarnishing the image of the victim in all media private and government is rapidly started and of course, all the faults and sins are rolled over and shifted to the victim. Guys, this is how our Sri Lankan side of the story made over and told. And sorry, I have forgotten to say that some members of the clergy also come in supporting the alleged rapist cricketer and throw all the stones wrapped with culture and tribalism to the victim and her family. TALE OF TWO COUNTRIES WITH TWO SYSTEMS !!
Disgusted Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:25 PM
No idea if DG is married/divorced and or single. It appears they first met in person on a wed for coffee, then a couple of meetings in person before Sunday meeting where they had drinks and went back to the woman’s home where the incident of him sexually assaulting the woman took place. If he thought the invitation to go back to her house was for the intention of having sex, well he was caught and bowled out!! and will surely face the full force of the law and he so deserves. I read above this is not the first incident he has been involved in, time for the family to convince him to go overseas for rehab in a private facility.
Fahim Baksh Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:26 PM
South Africa out Dhanushka in.
Ranil Monday, 07 November 2022 05:21 AM
@FB, I am not defending DG. At least be rational than making dumb comments. The investigation is not over and every man’s innocent until proven guilty. it’s not the other way around.
ANNECUNT Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:29 PM
If his manhood is small like with namal it wont go in so no he has not done anything wrong
Lee Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:31 PM
In a lawless country how can we expect ethics and morals to prevail. This guy has a record for serious indiscipline and misbehaviour. Should have dumped him long time ago and allowed another player. Since SLC took a lenient stance, he has brought disrepute to the game and tarnished the image of Sri Lanka once again. Please discard him now after all his performances have been consistently poor!
Sean Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:37 PM
Sue Gonsinghe, chatting does not give you the right to have sex. Inviting someone to a house does not give you the right to have sex. What world do you live in? Australian police does not go around arresting people willy nilly just on an allegation. For him to be arrested in the team hotel late at night, they must have good evidence. Especially such a high profile dude. He was denied bail by a judge, you think they deny bail just on an allegation? This dude was accused of the same by a Norwegian girl while in SL and he then put it on his friend and escaped. Later the friend also escaped the law. This is a clear patter. So lets get our heads out of our rear ends and start thinking.
sri Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:41 PM
He is innocent till it is 100% sure that he has raped her with without any contents.. These prostitutes girls want to exploit players like this ..many girls have been grooming to exploit rich players to make easy money …what just read one-sided it the story. Many girls do this to trap rich boys and players ..this is one of the most popular way to earn easy money in. Western countries.. They know well in many western countries girls can easily cheat the law and fool the judges … I think that this girl who brought this case must be punished if it is done with any consents….he can prove that she is the one who initiated it and she is one who invited him and this case can go against her
ANNECUNT Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:42 PM
NAMAL (pdi asshole) go to russia and do it in a diplomatic way UDAYANGA bring prostitues on tourist visa and do it on motherland
Mahila Sunday, 06 November 2022 03:48 PM
News item to my knowledge is incorrect!! The offence occurred in the Eastern Suburb (wealthy) of Sydney, hence the court hearing should be in the same Judicial district – Eastern Suburbs and Woolahara Court!! Parramatta Court is in the western segment of Sydney and this court case will not be heard at parramatta but Woolahara!!?
Mr Mentally Weakened Monday, 07 November 2022 10:12 AM
Hello, why you trying to split hairs. You’re living there?
Julampittiya Amarai Sunday, 06 November 2022 04:14 PM
He will getaway with lenient Sentence of found Guilty . He have to say to the sitting Judge “ your Honour , in Sri Lanka if a Girl exchanged messages and came to meet , it’s mean an Intercourse , this is how we practiced throughout decades , in recent past our Honourable MP me. keheliya Rummuk , also did this sort of thing and he is famously Known as ( BJ- Belcony Jumper ) I am only following his food step “ . This will do
Prab Sunday, 06 November 2022 04:14 PM
BCCSL. Clean your shit before it too late. You have put murderers, rapists, thieves to play cricket and to represent sri lanka. What a shameless bunch.
Pradeep Sunday, 06 November 2022 04:34 PM
If these idiots did not bring back to the team, our team could have been in a much position
didi d Sunday, 06 November 2022 04:43 PM
There are many man who are falsely accused by women of rape. many of the want to do xx, and later they will claim its rape! European women do this many times to man
Ding Sunday, 06 November 2022 05:02 PM
Well Done Sri Lankan team, keep doing it
Karalasingam Sivalingam Sunday, 06 November 2022 05:28 PM
In the West, a woman can refuse to have sex even if she says Yes in the first place. If a woman is drunk and she says yes and decides to call it rape. It’s rape in the court of law! Basically if you are under the influence of some form of substance she cannot consent. Also, even if she’s in her senses and decides to say No at any point during the sexual encounter, the man has to stop. Otherwise it’s rape. The example commonly used in the West, is drinking a cup of coffee. The woman can decide not to drink the coffee even if she has consumed half a cup and decides doesn’t want the rest. When she says stop or No, the man has to stop. Otherwise it amounts to rape. The men from Asian countries have to be educated to know what consensual sex is!
kamal nathan Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:04 PM
I want to see Dunshka Gunthilaka parents to ask which Buddhist temple he went for on his young times. Did he was abused by any monks at the temple when he was young. Srilankan becoming sexual predators.
kamal nathan Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:08 PM
I am sure the woman is not white, must be a Sri Lankan woman. next time please send this cricket with bunch of women for their night game.
ANNECUNT Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:18 PM
Ceylonese Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:19 PM
When a country celebrates war criminals and rapists!!
Vadivelu Yogaratnam Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:22 PM
He should realize Australia is not Sri Lanka where u can bribe politicians like Rajapaksa’s family to get away, no chance.
Lanka putha Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:34 PM
Poor chap want be needing his bat and balls for at least 10 years.
sugath Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:37 PM
How did sexual intercourse happend four times without consent?
Karl Cader Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:45 PM
“Rapist cricketer” how many victims in Sri Lanka and evey country this man visited? May be an international Rapist! must be chopped off the willy!
Ima Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:48 PM
මූ අපේ ගම,රට කනවා
Ceylonese Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:51 PM
Typical Bandai. What more could you expect?
roobarbie Sunday, 06 November 2022 06:58 PM
Shame on you man. But I also think that this guy has fallen for a sex trap laid on him by some publicity or cash seeking woman. If not why prior contacts, messages and similar acquaintances.
Cricket man Sunday, 06 November 2022 07:04 PM
Now getting news the woman is British/English and works also as prostitute. She had set the whole thing up, to destroy our man. Whole operation has been funded by England supporter who employed woman to destroy our team.
emilyjoack Sunday, 06 November 2022 07:04 PM
He inserted his penis inside this innocent womans vagina what the buddhist has to say to this
Gabriella Monday, 07 November 2022 07:52 AM
How do you know ? There was a recent case where a man was accused of rape after a Tinder date. When police viewed the hotel CCTV it was revealed that it was the woman who had in fact pulled the man into the toilet.
Sunil Sunday, 06 November 2022 07:32 PM
Do not allow this bastard to come back to Sri Lanka.
shan Sunday, 06 November 2022 07:53 PM
Hook shot over the Fine leg
Kosappu Sunday, 06 November 2022 07:56 PM
Sexual assault is an offense under section 6 1i of the Crimes Act 1900 ( NSW) which carries a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison . Hope he will get good representation.
tilak Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:07 PM
it is in Australia that we srilankans always expose our 2500 years old culture. It was Keheliya sometime back and now this jerk. Is the govt. going to spend for his legal fees or is Ali Sabry attending for him to save the glory of the motherland
WW Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:09 PM
This is a western conspiracy to bring disrepute to our sacred motherland I am going to sit in protest against this conspiracy in front of the Australian embassy (of course with a packet of lemon puff)
James Cook Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:10 PM
These Australians robbed the Aboriginee land, slaghtered them wholesale and pretend to be angels. Now our cricketer wants to show them that we are bigger savages than them.
Cugan Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:14 PM
These western women trapped for money,they do have evidence etc but for his stupidity he has to pay big sum ,and may destroy his careers Officials should have warned the players and how the law works abroad.
Sirimavo Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:35 PM
Can be sent to the Rehabilitation centers being created by SL parliament? Fasting, meditation, vegetarian diet, cultivate spirituality, morality, ethics.
Sirimavo Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:35 PM
Can be sent to the Rehabilitation centers being created by SL parliament? Fasting, meditation, vegetarian diet, cultivate spirituality, morality, ethics.
Adwani Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:40 PM
The deep roots of Vijaya and Kuveni still speaks.
Chams Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:44 PM
RAVIP Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:48 PM
Jagath Leanage Sunday, 06 November 2022 08:56 PM
ලංකාවේ වෙන දේවල් හැටියට ඕකට ඔච්චර දරුණු විදියට ගහන්න හොඳ නැහැ නේද ? එක අතකින් අප්පුඩි ගහන්නත් බැහැනේ.
Full andmiller Sunday, 06 November 2022 11:01 PM
Innocent till proven otherwise !!! However shame !!!
Esther Cohen, Europe Monday, 07 November 2022 12:27 AM
I can not believe some of these comments. If this is how you think about (Western)women, no wonder this man got into big trouble in a country where women are respected. German: I completely agree with you. Being raped, 4 times!!!!, must have destroyed this poor womans life.
Anton Monday, 07 November 2022 01:04 AM
Rapes are not uncommon in Srilanka. It has been used as a weapon in the war ended in 2009. Fortunately for the victim in Sydney, she got the support of the western judiciary system. But for the poor women of N
Janapala Konegedara Monday, 07 November 2022 01:05 AM
Those who went and cheers these basturds must be blamed! Do not waste your time hereafter to see such uncivilised people and politicians until the country is in order with clean, properly elected, loyal people who follow the LAW and ORDER of this country and the world!!
Napoleon Monday, 07 November 2022 02:07 AM
Now we know how he got hamstring injury earlier as well. Too much effort…but in the wrong things. Ha hs
Dinezh Monday, 07 November 2022 02:14 AM
When members of a backward, medieval society traverse foreign lands, this type of occurrence is to be wholly expected. Permanent travel warnings regarding Sri Lankan behaviour will soon be placed on western government websites. As they should be. Monks are directly responsible for this public sickness. The tourist industry was on life support, it is now dead in the water. The entire cricket team, and their families, should thanked for that.
Lam Monday, 07 November 2022 02:31 AM
This is truly sad …I wonder if this created story to take money out of him.. Many questions can be asked ..? Who started it? Why did she or he started dating ? Who is she ? What does she wants from him ? Was it a one of link and connection? Why did he go to her place ? Did she invite him ? Did she ask him to have sex? Did she consent ? Is it done by force ? Was it a rape ? Did she consent at all at any time Was he drunken? Was she drunken? The judge will not give hasty judgment at all. Judges know well that there are some crafty girls who want to make money out of false stories? What evidence? Does she has got ? Judges can’t give hasty judgment on this case
Lanka putha Monday, 07 November 2022 02:52 AM
He played his cricket in the wrong turf. Picked the wrong country for his game. Lucky he is in Australia and not in welikade
Aldy Monday, 07 November 2022 03:47 AM
Something Fishy…… May be it wasn’t a rape but payment agreement gone wrong. He would have boasted that he is a international cricketer and the woman would have demanded an hefty amount.
Jacoob Akinsaka Kolla Monday, 07 November 2022 04:52 AM
what nonsense.. we categorically denied nothing of that nature ever happened . We will set up a local mechanism to rule out anything of that nature , if required. Send the ahinsaka kolla immediately back to home.
Basha Monday, 07 November 2022 06:13 AM
This clown tried to escape on the team bus but the great Australian Police force dragged him off the bus
Kps Monday, 07 November 2022 06:20 AM
Australia should punish this defendant to the highest allowed by the law. Please set an example to Srilanka. We are awaiting justice.
Julie Fernando Monday, 07 November 2022 06:38 AM
He had sex with her 4 times before she finally called the police? Maybe he should have stopped after 3.
SSZKHAN Monday, 07 November 2022 06:50 AM
Let the one who has not sinned throw the first stone. Western ladies are not our innocent Sri Lankan ladies to hide their tragedy and save the culprits. ANYWAY LET US NOT JUDGE TILL THE TRIAL IS OVER
Sam Sen Monday, 07 November 2022 06:56 AM
This is nothing compared to what was done by Sri Lankan army in Kaiti. They were sent back by IN mission for raping innocent girls and women whom they went to protect. What a disgrace!!! Sri Lankan army went on rampage of raping Tamil girls and women. They even killed them after raping. The worst and the most insane was the act of Sri Lankan army that raped DEAD Bodies of LTTE women cadres!!!. When one compares all these, what DG has done is nothing even though it is against Australian law. This remind me of a friend of mine who once said that he will never immigrate to any other country because SL is the best country in earth. When I asked why, he said it is the only country in the world where you can rape a woman in daylight and still escape without any punishment as long as you are a Sinhalese, Buddhist and you have some money!!!
G Monday, 07 November 2022 07:19 AM
He should be CASTRATED
Francis Monday, 07 November 2022 07:53 AM
No one has spoken about those who are responsible . The blame lies squarely with the SLC. They should resign immediately if they have any respect or shame.
Mahesh Monday, 07 November 2022 07:58 AM
This is the culture of the entire team. Everytime they go on tour the main intension of a majority of players is to look for women not to focus on cricket. It was the same during the Asia Cup, but because we won these issues we not highlighted. This kind of behaviour is a result of poor leadership, where the captain of the team let’s his players do whatever they want so that the players would back him to be the captain. The team needs a non nonsense leader like Arjuna.
Priyani Chandani Monday, 07 November 2022 08:11 AM
Media has to publish the pedigree, nationality and track record of this woman. If these two marry they can do much, not for cricket but for SL politics.
RANEEL KAWANTISSA – DOHA Monday, 07 November 2022 08:43 AM
RANEEL KAWANTISSA – DOHA Monday, 07 November 2022 08:43 AM
Russel Harmmer Monday, 07 November 2022 08:47 AM
Very bad behavior of this idiot brought disgrace for our nation. What is the control the Team manager had? Very sad event anyway.
Prof. H.K. Fernando Monday, 07 November 2022 08:49 AM
Black mark overhaul for our Cricketers, SLC Board should take this as serious and take appropriate action against such happenings.
Garry Melder Monday, 07 November 2022 08:51 AM
Dhanushka should be sentenced to life imprisonment and let it be a good lesson for our other cricketers too.
J.K. Samarasinghe (attorney-at-law) Monday, 07 November 2022 08:52 AM
Our guys don’t know how to win matches but experts on womanizing and drinking.
J.M. Rodrigo [Former coach] Monday, 07 November 2022 09:02 AM
Why are this type of rascals selected for our squad? The selectors must read the family background also when selecting may be he is politically influenced.
Ranjith Samarasekera (Former Wicket Keeper) Monday, 07 November 2022 09:08 AM
How could he leave the Hotel to commit this nasty act? Team Manager too is responsible as he did not do his duty properly.
Dr. R.W. Weerakoon (good friend of DG’s father) Monday, 07 November 2022 09:10 AM
No mercy should be shown for this fellow who has a lovely wife. He should be hanged or sent to jail on life imprisonment.
Edward Monday, 07 November 2022 09:27 AM
Sri Lankans are sex maniacs although most of them don’t have enough food to eat. Shameless fellows
Edward Monday, 07 November 2022 09:27 AM
Sri Lankans are sex maniacs although most of them don’t have enough food to eat. Shameless fellows
Muhunthan(Walker) Sothilingam Thilagawathy Monday, 07 November 2022 09:30 AM
This is how actual trap happens you have to be very careful of online dates and online dating apps though if you know a person personally then don’t go with the sexual relationship poor Ceylon cricketer. They’re plenty of online thugs.
Jef Monday, 07 November 2022 09:57 AM
ICC Been Blind if this guy given few chances for similar offences and ministers have surported then its a big question when yr particepting ICC tournaments why dint ICC dint take disciplinary Action to ban such players who have poor reputation in the first place high profile from government shouldn’t allow to intervene specialy traveling to soomany difrent countries likely wasn’t in Arabic country this happened
Sydney Man Monday, 07 November 2022 10:03 AM
ICC should take action against Sri Lanka Cricket by deliberately lying and for dishonesty. Keeping Dhanushka with the touring squad when he was officially replaced a technical breach as per rules of ICC tournaments !
Concerned Citizen Monday, 07 November 2022 10:10 AM
ICC shall take action against Sri Lankan Cricket Administration for act of deceit committed by keeping Dhanushka in the touring squad when he was officially replaced with the approval of ICC per the rules of ICC tournaments. Over to you Ministry of Sports and the Secratary of the Ministry on the breach on the part of Administration of SLC
C Fernando Monday, 07 November 2022 11:11 AM
Not possible to put this country right. The people are rotten through and through.
ANNECUNT Monday, 07 November 2022 07:25 PM
We women and childen are afraid to walk on the strees of colombo now WHERE IS THE WOMAN AND CHILDREN MINISTER –STAND UP PLEASE we dont want to have intercouse
umas Monday, 07 November 2022 07:26 PM
Is this a buddhist country or not . please answer our buddhist monks
Lionel Monday, 07 November 2022 11:19 PM
@spartacus: With fake name!
ANNECUNT Tuesday, 08 November 2022 02:44 PM